credit: nbc

Thanks to Nickelodeon providing programme blocks of Saved By The Bell for like four hours every day, the late-'80s/early-'90s sitcom was all I used to watch growing up (despite the theme song annoying my mum to no end). So I was absolutely enthralled to learn that NBC are bringing Saved By The Bell back as part of their new streaming service, Peacock. It's not certain whether my first crush Mark Paul Gosselaar will return, but he is mentioned in the description which depicts Zack Morris as the Governor of California (yes, really).
According to Entertainment Weekly, Gosselaar is up for returning, but he's currently working on ABC's Mixed-ish. "If it was a good product that I felt wouldn't tarnish the original product, then yeah. I'm open to hearing anything," he said previously.

credit: netflix
Since the dawn of streaming services, watching shows in one go has been the way forward. But recently, Netflix has been uploading single episodes weekly rather than a whole season. This is mainly due to Netflix airing cable or network TV shows like iZombie or Riverdale. And the streaming service has made it clear that their general rule is to stick to whole seasons.
But as Wired recently explored, the era of binge-watching could soon be coming to an end. This is due to Disney's new streaming service Disney+, which will be scrapping the Netflix model and will air their content more like terrestrial television. And to be honest, it would be a welcome change.
Watching BBC's Bodyguard last year and now The Capture, it's made me realise how much I'd missed the anticipation of waiting a week for the next episode. The narrative certainly sticks in your head for longer (as you're theorising what's going to happen next), and the hype for the show stays fresh for longer. These reasons may be part of why Disney are moving towards the weekly model with their upcoming service. But, it's mainly to do with viewers utilising the free trials provided by sites like Netflix to binge-watch a whole lotta content in one sitting.
credit: giphy
"[Disney] are not going to have an abundance of content that they can just put everything out there and allow people to binge in a week," Mirhir Haria-Shan, head of broadcast at Total Media, told Wired. "[T]hen they'll have nothing left to watch."
Basically, the future of binge-watching will most likely be a hybrid of full seasons released and single episodes being broadcast weekly. Which in all honesty sounds far better than just endlessly consuming shows without a break in-between, no matter how good the series may be.

Green Day are finally back with a new single, and it's an absolute banger. It's short and sweet, and the video sees the band performing in front of an Elvis 'Jailhouse Rock'-type set. Green Day's performance is then cut amongst a montage of clips of people letting loose to the music.
Their next record, Father Of All Motherf**kers, is out on Feb. 7 next year. Green Day will also be performing with Weezer and Fall Out Boy throughout 2020, on the aptly named 'Hella Mega Tour'. Obviously, I immediately grasped at the chance to get tickets (which I did).
I cannot wait to see the bands that shaped my teens, despite the absurdity of trying to get tickets on Ticketmaster. A minute into being in the queue they were already 'sold out', despite people already re-selling them for extortionate prices. Thankfully, I had See Tickets open as well who gracefully granted me to see them.

credit: fox
As I'm so used to American shows not airing in the UK, I had no idea that Fox were broadcasting the new season of American Horror Story. So I may not have gotten around to watching it yet, but that hasn't stopped me from having a little peek at AHS: 1984's reception. Overall, it seems like this season is shaping up to be one of the best yet. Especially with Glamour praising how this season doesn't shy away from its obvious homage to the slasher flicks of the 1980s.
Describing 1984 as a mix between Scream Queens and AHS: Hotel, it looks like creator Ryan Murphy has brought the horror anthology series back to its Murder House and Asylum roots.

Pokémon Sword & Shield's release is nearly a month away, but that hasn't stopped The Pokémon Company from teasing fans of what's to come. This time, they decided to release deets regarding Farfetch'd's new evolution, which fans have been waiting for since Gen 2. Named Sirfetch'd, this evolution is exclusive to the Galar region, much like Linoone's evolution Obstagoon. But unlike the regional difference of Zigzagoon's line, Farfetch'd will remain the same in Galar.
Sirfetch'd also has a new move, called 'Meteor Assualt', where the Pokémon "[p]oints it's leek at the opponent and charges toward them at great speed," as Polygon features from the official description. It looks like it inflicts damage on itself with the move, too.

credit: Loomis Dean/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
You know how much I adore Disneyland, so when Insider published this incredible array of photos of the Anaheim park in the 50s, I just had to share. Taken on its opening day in 1955, the vintage images showcase how far the park has come since Walt Disney first imagined it.
The photos are also accompanied by some interesting facts, including how visitors gatecrashed the 'invitation only' event, and how you had to pay for individual rides as well as entry into the park.
It's so cool and strange to see Disneyland in this circumstance, especially when compared to how the park looks now — especially with the Tomorrowland photos.

Foo Fighters may have made their way back to the studio this week, but they also released a new live compilation to celebrate Storm Area 51 Day last month. This time it was a session from 2005, where they performed at the Walker Air Base in Roswell.
As Rolling Stone reports, the release also came with an accompanying poster, "detailing proper behaviour at Storm Area 51 Day, including 'Control yourself at the barbeque', 'Should you encounter extraterrestrials, be polite', and — most importantly — 'Rock out at all times'."

credit: nbc
ER is still one of the shows on my 'to-watch' list, but I had no idea that it was turning 25 this year. Vulture celebrated this landmark in television with a fantastic retrospective, exploring how the show completely changed the face of television in the early 1990s.
Inspired by shows like Miami Vice and NYPD Blue, ER "capture[d] the chaos of working in a hospital" with cinema-like precision by using the camera's "kinetic energy" to engage the viewer in the drama and the lives of the characters.
"In 1994, when the show debuted, its 'lets move' sensibility didn't just draw us into our television," the article reads. "It made us expect more from them."

I've loved reading since I picked up Harry Potter for the first time, however recently I've been struggling to get through the two books on my bedside table. At first, I thought it was because they're just not grabbing my attention. But then I came across this Stylist article about 'book burnout', and I think I've found my problem.
If you take a look at my Goodreads, my 'to-read' list is like 300 books strong, and I'm also 6 books behind my reading goal for this year. I'm trying hard to keep up with the number of books that I should have read by now, and have entirely lost sight of why I loved reading in the first place. As the article reads, "I feel like I'm only reading to keep up with the zeitgeist, rather than my own sheer enjoyment of learning."
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So what can I do to combat this? Well, Dr Elena Touroni, a consultant psychologist, told Stylist that those suffering from 'book burnout' need to try and "remember and reconnect with the way in which you read when you were younger."
Reading shouldn't feel like homework, it "should be something pleasurable and nourishing that provides us with a sense of wellbeing."
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