image credit: warner bros. pictures

Todd Phillip’s Joker doesn’t hit UK screens until next month, but it’s already been met with tons of praise. During these screenings, there was an ample amount of time to discuss the making behind the film, including how Joaquin Phoenix went about portraying one of the most iconic comic book villains ever created.
“The attraction to make this film and this character was that we were going to approach it in our own way, so, for me, I didn’t refer to any past iterations of the character,” the actor said at the Venice Film Festival press conference. “It just felt like something that was our creation in some ways.”
“I wanted the freedom to create something that wasn’t identifiable. This is a fictional character, and I don’t want a psychiatrist to be able to identify the kind of person he was. We want to have the room to create what we want.”

There’s still not a lot of info on Robert Pattinson as Batman, but he did recently give a little insight into the film in an interview with Variety. After speaking about his work with Willem Dafoe in The Lighthouse, Pattinson spoke about his return to ‘popular’ film, and how director Matt Reeves is handling one of the world's most iconic superheroes.
“[It’s an] interesting direction — something from the comics which hasn’t been really explored yet,” Pattinson said. “[It’s] interesting to see the different directions you can take with it.”

image credit: fx
While it’s probably going to take a while for the ninth season of American Horror Story to be made available in some form in the UK, I’m so excited to see where Murphy is going with this series. He’s proven himself time and time again to be a master of setting this anthology series in different timeframes and eras, and this time he’s taking this to another level with a homage piece to the slasher films of the 1980s — like Friday the 13th and Halloween.
Not much has been said about the ins and outs of the narrative, but it goes something like this: “The new series stars AHS regulars Emma Roberts, Billy Lourd, John Carroll Lynch, Leslie Grossman, and Cody Fern as counsels who venture to the woody lakeside camp to make a quick buck, but soon find themselves confronted with dead bodies in the road, a suspicious chef, an escapee from a psychiatric hospital and a knife-wielding slasher on the loose,” Rolling Stone writes.

I still haven’t got around to actually listening to Norman Fucking Rockwell. I have the vinyl, but I’m saving it for a magical moment where I’m not distracted by anything to fully appreciate it. That’s what a queen like Lana deserves, y’know?
Regardless, the album’s received high praise, and it’s clear that she’s stayed under her own influence rather than the rest of the music industry. As Vice succinctly puts it, Lana strives on the “[f]reedom to be herself”, and you can hear that throughout her six, soon to be seven (!!), records.

Nintendo released yet another Pokémon Sword & Shield trailer during their recent Direct and revealed two new Pokémon — Cramorant and Polteageist. I’ve gone into more detail on those two over on Bustle, but the trailer also highlighted the new camping feature to the game.
It looks like a different spin on Amie and Refresh, but this time you can play with more than one of your Pokémon at once, and they can also interact with one another. Another cooking mechanic was also introduced, this time being curry. There’s a definite Breath of the Wild vibe in terms of collecting ingredients to create different flavours of the curry, that’s for sure.
The trailer also gave a sneak peek into the customisation for this generation, and it’s been turned up a notch. Not only can you actually see the styles you want when getting your hair cut, but you can also layer up clothes with hoodies, jackets, and other accessories. From the looks of the clothing, outfit, and hairstyle choices Sword and Shield are going to be the best in the series in terms of making unique characters that fit your playing style.

image credit: amazon
Stephen King is currently experiencing a bit of a renaissance with the recent adaptation of It and his undeniable influence over Stranger Things, and he’s certainly aware of it. “I’m 71-years-old and a lot of people my age are forgotten and I’ve had this late season burst of success,” he recently told Rolling Stone. “It’s very gratifying.”
In this interview, he also spoke about his latest novel The Institute, which sees another group of kids battle evil in horror-fueled circumstances. “The twist this time is that they all have telekinetic or psychic powers and the adults who run the facility force them to undergo medical experiments.” Very Stranger Things-esce, and King likes the show a lot. “Watching Stranger Things is [like] watching Steve Kings Greatest Hits,” he wrote on Twitter in 2016. “I mean that in a good way.”
And it looks like it’s going to continue regardless of whether King publishes any more novels after The Institute, as he’s got four TV shows and seven films in production. “The scripts have to work,” he explained. “They can’t have 19 pages of flashbacks to when the characters were kids. I want the pedal to the metal as much of the time as possible.”

Animal Crossing: New Horizons also got an extended trailer, which gave players insight into the new mechanics that will be introduced with this game, and basically just made everyone even more hyped for its release next year. From crafting tools to selling items, eating fruit to gain strength and earning Nook Miles from specific achievements, I can already tell that I’m going to lose so many hours in this game. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

image credit: sony
It’s pretty clear that I’m pretty behind on everything (I’ve only just started watching Mad Men, after all this time), I still haven’t seen Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse. I’ve seen clips of it, and I’m dying to watch it. But I am aware of the impact it’s already had on the film industry despite being only just over a year old.
And with the recent news of Sony and Disney “breaking up”, it leaves Sony in a pretty unique position. They were the masterminds behind Spider-Verse despite Marvel recently releasing solo projects of their Spiderman (Tom Holland), after all. As Vox points out, Marvel never stated to Sony that they “couldn’t make a movie about a non-white — or non-Peter Parker — Spider-Man”, which is what Sony did with Spider-Verse.
“Spider-Verse is proof of how Spider-Man doesn’t need Peter Parker’s name — or Marvel’s rules — to thrive,” Vox writes. “What it really takes is a well-written story and dynamic.” This idea will be interesting to see with the upcoming release of Todd Phillip’s Joker, as it'll be different to watch the iconic villain portrayed in a solo character piece.

Since it was announced last August, my excitement for House House’s Untitled Goose Game has known no bounds. I mean, what more could you want than to take control of a wily goose and precede to terrorize and annoy unsuspecting villagers? Exactly.
Well, it’s not long until the game is released (it comes out this Friday, Sep. 20) and I cannot wait to cause havoc on that small village.

image credit: sony pictures releasing
I have a feeling that Joker will probably take this spot, but at the moment Once Upon A Time in Hollywood has got to be my favourite movie experience of 2019. Experiencing that ending with no prior knowledge (avoided those spoilers, yo) and seeing it twice in cinemas was terrific, and now it’s gotten even better.
Brad Pitt recently did an interview with The New York Times, and in some published outtakes he mentioned that Tarantino might be adapting the film into a series — something that Pitt is intrigued about regarding how films will be viewed in the future. “What I notice about the younger generation is that they’re used to receiving a lot of information at a much faster pace,” he said. “They’re more inclined to watch a short series of episodes where you can stay in it as long as you want and to jump out whenever you get bored.”
“I look at series where you can spend so much time on characters and story and explore angles you don’t always get to in film,” Pitt added. “It’s almost the best of both worlds. You have the cinema experience that exists, but you actually put more content in a series format.”
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