image credit: coco van oppens / paramount pictures
It's been a while; I know. I kept pushing compiling everything together and ended up with a three week 'Sunday, Sunday' rather than a two-week which I had originally planned.
Oh well, you can blame me playing Pokemon X and Y for the first time. I forget how addicting that game could be. Yes, I am still playing Ultra Moon - the next Let's Play is scheduled for this Friday - I can multitask, especially when it comes to Pokemon.
Plus, Easter weekend always gets my mind jumbled, so you're lucky you're not getting a four-week version of this post.

Hopefully, you've noticed my monthly song of the day playlist that I've been compiling since January. If you haven't, I've been placing personal favorites of mine into a playlist each month so you can discover some new - but mainly old due to my taste - music.
How do I choose the songs, I hear you ask? They're either personal loves of mine, ones that are in my head for no apparent reason ('Genie in a Bottle' replayed in my head for six hours at work and I hadn't listened to that song since it came out), or tracks that have memories tied to them that day - i.e. me and my brother singing along to them in the car.
Head over to the sidebar to listen to last month's, and follow my Spotify page to keep updated with April's playlist and future ones. This month already has George Michael, Wolf Alice, and Foo Fighters.

image credit: pearl jam
I'm still in a state of disbelief that I'm actually seeing Pearl Jam in June, so the release of a new single from them nearly passed by me.
The band haven't stated whether or not this single will be part of a new record - which would be their eleventh, their last was Lightning Bolt in 2013. Entitled 'Can't Deny Me', Eddie Vedder traverses lyrics that are an obvious commentary on America's current political climate; as have many alternative rock artists since Trump's inauguration.
You can listen to the track below.

Watching the trailer for Eighth Grade is just making me even more relieved that I went through high school at the time that I did
Sure, when I was in the Eighth Grade (which we refer to as Year 9 in the UK), it was 2009 so we did have social media. I certainly didn't use it as much as the majority of kids did then, let alone now. Watching shows and films in my twenties and experiencing social media outside of school is frightening; it seems so dangerous when operated by kids at an age where their self-identity and self-esteem are running rampant. I dread to think what I would be like relying on all that at school.
From the trailer alone, Eighth Grade seems like a poignant, aesthetically-pleasing (for me) vignette on current high school life, written and directed by one of my favourite comics Bo Burnham; who I had no idea had a knack for making film. Go, Bo.

image credit: tool
I don't want to speak too soon, but it looks as though Tool is on the final path towards actually releasing new music. The last record they released was twelve years ago. Twelve. And since then, the band have given fans a slow and torturous wait for any sign of new material, consistently pushing dates, taking statements back and nearly giving up altogether.
That all came to a close with this heavenly Facebook post, with optimism running wild that the band is so close to putting the final pieces of this record together.
Well, at least they didn't announce this on April Fool's day. Now, that would have been mean.

General surgeon Annie Onishi is given a plethora of well-known clips from television and film and gives her vast knowledge on whether or not they depict an accurate representation of what her job entails.
Most of the time they do; using the right medical codes and somewhat quicker ways to bring a patient back from the brink of death (i.e. the famous adrenaline shot in Pulp Fiction and removing access furniture from a patient's room if a code is called), but sometimes they just don't get it right at all.
It's really interesting to see the lenience some writers go on these shows; I've often thought of the authenticity of some of the medical sequences in The X-Files; especially the over-dramatic 'WE'RE LOSING HIM' that's often attached to Mulder nearly dying, which is also addressed in here in a different television show.
Wired certainly need to do more of these videos.

God, I love the cast of This Is Us, and I haven't even got around to watching the series yet. Milo Ventimiglia and Mandy Moore have always had a special place in my heart.

image credit: ifc
Well, according to Portlanders, Old Portlandia died on January 21, 2011, according to a poll conducted in 2015 by Willamette Week. Why you may ask? That was the exact day Portlandia debuted on IFC.
Vulture's Britta Lokting explores the whys and woes of Portland locals and their relationship with one of the quirkiest sketch comedies on television, and also creators Carrie Brownstein and Fred Armisen's reaction to it all.
Armisen references how The Sopranos didn't change the perspective of New Jersey, and I'd have to agree. Television cannot change a city, nor can the 'caricatures' represented in the show. Cities like Portland and New Jersey are used in these capacities as a foundation for the characters to be shaped by the city rather than the city shaping them.

I have been waiting for a trailer for this film for so, so long and now it's finally here and I'm annoyed. Annoyed at the comments and articles surrounding it's release, alluding to Action Point being just another Jackass film.
All you've got to do is a little digging, and you'll find the insanely rich history surrounding this project - which I've talked about on here before. It's based on the infamous New Jersey theme park named Action Park (see the resemblance?), housing uniquely un-safe attractions staffed by under-aged - and often drunk or high - teenagers and would eventually close due to the vast amount of injuries and deaths.
Ever heard of the Cannonball Loop? Now you'll want to.
Johnny Knoxville, John Altschuler and Dave Krinsky bring that park to life in an almost mockumentary style depiction of a 'fictional' theme park, 'where the rides are designed with minimum safety for maximum fun', portrayed via real stunts on rides that truly did exist in one way or another at some point in the real Action Park's history.
… having said that, even if it was another Jackass, I'd still be defending it. Knoxville has been a hero of mine since my Dad first showed me his infectious laugh and all-around badass stupidity on Jackass when I was around six or seven-years-old.
God, I love Knoxville. The man got two concussions, a broken hand, a sprained knee and a torn MCL, stitches on his eyebrow, and an eye popping out of its socket after blowing his nose and still managed to get the film done and wanted to. LEGEND.

I mean, this needs no introduction, right? Bill Hader back doing his spectacular Alan Alda and Al Pacino impressions, alongside Kate McKinnon Jodie Foster at 'the happiest [she's] ever been whilst performing scenes from Jurassic Park? YES PLEASE.

Vox explores the relationship between television, film, and fiction, in general, have shaped the way we see extraterrestrials against how actual scientists believe what they could look and act like. It's intriguing to see the staff at Vox draw their interpretations on a whiteboard; I've always imagined them with the stereotypical big head, big eyes, no nose, little mouth with a scrawny lower half. Oh, and grey of course. Never green.

image credit: net/pbs
I didn't grow up with Mr. Rogers Neighbourhood, nor did I know who Mr. Rogers was. After discovering and reading up on the upcoming biopic about the American icon - who will be portrayed by Tom Hanks - it was enlightening to see that an actual documentary on Mr. Rogers is set for release; a documentary demonstrated his goal in creating generations after generations of emphatic American kids.
I wish I had that influence on television growing up. It's so calming to watch, even in a trailer.

image credit: backgrid
Captain Marvel has begun filming, my girl Brie Larson is the legend that is Carol Danvers and it's set in the 1990s? Sign me up.
^ me for the last three months. it's finally over, i can live, and so can mulder and scully (THEY DIDN'T DIE, THERE IS A GOD)

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