Sunday, 11 June 2017

Sunday, Sunday (12)


I'm on such a Noel Gallagher high right now. I mean, how couldn't you be. Look at that cheeky bastard.

• After a surprise performance by Gallagher at the Teenage Cancer Trust gig I went to this year (a performance I nearly had a panic attack over from sheer excitement), I have been back on a Gallagher high. 
England banding together alongside Manchester after the attacks last month has also been a catalyst for my listening habits as of late, especially regarding Oasis. ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ has become our anthem; a song that has always been my favourite Oasis track since I was a kid. I remember delving into Oasis’ discography back when Gallagher’s first album as ‘Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds’ was released back in 2010, but I didn’t get very far with that. Instead I mostly listened to his album on repeat. The same pattern happened with his second record Chasing Yesterday in 2015. 
This time I’m dedicated to the cause, and am slowly but surely traipsing through their entire discography in immense detail and am loving every second of it. I can remember why I loved and idolised Oasis and Noel so much when I was a kid from doing this; even though I only knew their major tracks from the radio and their music videos back then.   
I’ve also been enjoying watching interview after interview with Noel, cracking up at his blunt honesty and sarcasm. Two things that I too possess, but only in my head. Noel has a god-given ability to not give a shit on both the outside and the inside; a quality I wish I had. 

too right you are

• I’m still on the Always Sunny train, and this week I pulled into the classic episodes: ‘The Gang Goes to Jersey Shore’, ‘Frank Reynold’s Little Beauties’, ‘The Storm of the Century’ and ‘Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games’; all of which are on my top-whatever episodes of the series thus far. I don’t how I had been surviving without this show up until this year. 

source: bonnibels

• Thanks to my brother, I get all the Pink Floyd/Roger Waters news without having to go online. This week Waters released a new poster for his 2017 ‘Us + Them’ tour in North America and I want it. Now. 

• I was supposed to be going to a gig this Friday, which didn’t happen. Sadly, Phil Collins tripped over in his hotel room and had to cancel the last two shows of his Royal Albert Hall stint; the last of the two being mine.  
I was disappointed – it’s hard not to be – but extremely impressed at how quickly both his management and the RAH released a statement and rescheduled the dates. I’m now seeing him on the 27th of November, which gives me time to re-program my brain to only remembering Phil Collins and Genesis lyrics. 

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