Saturday, 24 December 2016

Five Days of Christmas Films | Die Hard (1988)

These last two posts are going to be short - since it's the main two days of the holidays - but there's not much to say here anyway other than: What sort of Christmas Eve is it if you're not watching Die Hard?

To be fair, you could watch either Die Hard or Die Hard 2. But, if you're anything like me, you need to watch film series in consecutive order (hence why Die Hard 2 is my ultimate Christmas film). And I'm not complaining, you get Bruce Willis in his prime in both of these films, but especially in the first Die Hard with kicking ass barefoot and a vest top *sigh*. 

Of all the Christmas-y films to pick for Christmas Eve and Christmas day, two Die Hard films probably aren't high on a majority of people's list. Even though the stories may not base themselves in a miracle, they do involve the perils of off-duty NYPD police officer John McClane (Bruce Willis) as he saves an office party and airplane; both involving his wife, Holly (Bonnie Bedelia). 

Instead of being recognized more as a Christmas film, Die Hard is often regarded as one of the best action films ever made. The film made an action star out of Bruce Willis (who was only known for Moonlighting up to this point), a star out of Alan Rickman and cemented itself as one of the greatest disaster movies since The Towering Inferno

And what do I want more out of a film at Christmas time? Violence, violence and more violence. And a rugged Bruce Willis. 



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