The Getaway's first music video for 'Dark Necessities' is pure aesthetic heaven, full of Red Hot Chili Pepper's energy and girl power; all thanks to Olivia Wilde.
In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Olivia Wilde describes her time on set with the Chili Peppers, directing their latest music video for their first single, 'Dark Necessities'. Wilde is extremely proud of what she's created, and tells of her time with the band as what you'd imagine it to be. "They are incredibly creative people and they're so good at what they do. They're so interesting that you really just have to let them have a free space to play in and set them free and they just do 90 percent of the work for you."
Which is exactly what Wilde does. The music video is split 50/50 - with the Chili's inside an apartment doing whatever they please, and the other half focusing on a group of rad skater girls gliding their way through the night-lit Los Angeles streets. Wilde brings forth the feel and groove of the song brilliantly here, using slow motion and pans of the girls skating, beautiful close ups of the band members and a stunning collaborative effort with cinematographer Chris Blauvelty; most notably through the lighting in the apartment sequences.
And the girls. There is so much girl power in this video. It's refreshing to see in this current feminist climate. Not only from having a female director, but also from my perspective, since I've been a passive skateboarder since I was a kid. Passive meaning I can't skateboard for shit, but I wish I could. These girls are absolute goals, and Wilde directs them perfectly. And after watching Anthony Kiedis talk about how the song is about embracing your dark side; the girls tearing up the streets of Los Angeles, drinking and getting tattoos because they want to seizes that notion fully.
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